安哥拉 Angola  - -  法規 Regulamento


----- 2020-03-26 16:50:50



We,  the Heads of State and Government of the Member States of the Organisation    of African Unity (OAU);

1. The President of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria

2. The President of the People's Republic of Angola

3. The President of the Republic of Benin

4. The President of the Republic of Botswana

5. The President of the Republic of Burkina Faso

6. The President of the Republic of Burundi

7. The President of the Republic of Cameroon

8. The President of the Republic of Cape Verde

9. The President of the Central African Republic

10. The President of the Federal Islamic Republic of the Comoros

11. The President of the People's Republic of Congo

12. The President of the Republic of Cote d'Ivoire

13. The President of the Republic of Djibouti

14. The President of the Arab Republic of Egypt

15. The President of the People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia

16. The President of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea

17. The President of the Republic of Gabon

18. The President of the Republic of the Gambia

19. The President of the Republic of Ghana

20. The President of the Republic of Guinea

21. The President of the Republic of Guinea Bissau

22. The President of the Republic of Kenya

23. The King of Lesotho

24. The President of the Republic of Liberia

25. The Leader of the 1st of September Revolution of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya

26. The President of the Republic of Madagascar

27. The President of the Republic of Malawi

28. The President of the Republic of Mali

29. The President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania

30. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Mauritius

31. The President of the Republic of Mozambique

32. The President of the Republic of Namibia

33. The President of the Republic of Niger

34. The President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria

35. The President of the Republic of Rwanda

36. The President of Sahrawi Democratic Arab Republic

37. The President of the Republic of Sao Tome and Principe

38. The President of the Republic of Senegal

39. The President of the Republic of Seychelles

40. The President of the Republic of Sierra Leone

41. The President of the Republic of Somalia

42. The President of the Republic of the Sudan

43. The King of Swaziland

44. The President of the United Republic of Tanzania

45. The President of the Republic of Tchad

46. The President of the Republic of Togo

47. The President of the Republic of  Tunisia

48. The President of the Republic of  Uganda

49. The President of the Republic of Zaire

50. The President of the Republic of Zambia

51. The President of the Republic of Zimbabwe

MINDFUL of the principles of international law governing relations between States;

BEARING IN MIND the principles and objectives set forth in the Charter of the Organisation of African Unity;

CONSCIOUS of our duty to develop and utilise the human and natural resources of the Continent for the general well-being of our peoples in all fields of human endeavour;

RECOGNIZING the various factors which hinder the development of the Continent and seriously jeopardise the future of its peoples;

HAVING REGARD to the various resolutions and declarations adopted by our Assembly in Algiers in September 1968, in Addis Ababa in August 1970 and May  1973 providing that the economic integration of the Continent is a pre-requisite for  the realisation of the objectives of the OAU;

HAVING REGARD to our decision taken in Libreville in July 1977 endorsing the Kinshasa Declaration adopted by our Council of Ministers in December 1976 concerning the establishment of an African Economic Community, objective to be attained in successive stages;

CONSIDERING the “Monrovia Declaration of Commitment on the Guidelines and Measures for National and Collective Self-reliance in Economic and Social Development for the Establishment of a New International Order” and which, inter- alia, calls for the Creation of an African Common Market as a prelude to an African Economic Community;

CONSIDERING FURTHER the Lagos Plan of Action and the Final Act of Lagos of April 1980 reaffirming our Commitment to establish, by the year 2000, an African Economic Community in order to foster the economic, social  and  cultural  integration of our Continent;

FINALLY CONSIDERING our Declaration made on the occasion of the Twenty-  fifth Anniversary of the OAU and, in particular, the reaffirmation of  our  commitment and our determination to take the necessary steps to accelerate the establishment of the proposed African Economic Community;

NOTING that the efforts already made in the sub-regional and regional sectoral economic co-operation are encouraging and justify a larger and fuller economic integration;

NOTING the need to share, in a equitable and just manner, the advantages of co- operation among Member States in order to promote a balanced development in all parts of the Continent;

Have decided to establish an African Economic Community constituting an integral